expertease - k thiagarajan -9573660899 /
mayukha - 23779080 - 23772776 /
Aviva - Nilambar - 986643743
Above are contact numbers in HYderabad for second career placement.
Dr P Vyasamoorthy, 30 Gruhalakshmi Colony Secunderabad 500015 Ph 040-27846631 / 9490804278.My blog:
Above are contact numbers in HYderabad for second career placement.
Max New York and AViva are looking for Insurance advisors among retired people; K thiagarajan is setting up Hyderabad branch of ExpertEase; Mayukha is an employment Agency for retees in Hyderabad.
Dr P Vyasamoorthy, 30 Gruhalakshmi Colony Secunderabad 500015 Ph 040-27846631 / 9490804278.My blog:
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