A new jobsite worth Exploring
http://www.wisdomjobs.com is a new job site. They have plenty of vacancy listings for retirees.
If you are used to News Reader you can benefit by RSS feed avaiable for jobs in variuos categories. What is amazing is that even search results can be followed up via its own RSS feed.
This site has an additional plus point. There are plenty of programs for skill improvement. This is useful for youngster who want to improve themselves for better paying jobs as they explore the job market.
Jobs I could locate today are given below
http://www.wisdomjobs.com is a new job site. They have plenty of vacancy listings for retirees.
If you are used to News Reader you can benefit by RSS feed avaiable for jobs in variuos categories. What is amazing is that even search results can be followed up via its own RSS feed.
This site has an additional plus point. There are plenty of programs for skill improvement. This is useful for youngster who want to improve themselves for better paying jobs as they explore the job market.
Jobs I could locate today are given below
nice job portal to support